
Configuring Message-Only Extensions in the mobile app 

Last updated on February 14, 2022

Table of contents

A Message-Only Extension is a special extension that routes all calls received to its voicemail box. 
Admins can configure, add, and delete Message-Only Extensions in the mobile app.

Configuring Message-Only Extension Info

  1. Navigate to Admin tools.
  2. Tap Phone System.
  3. Tap Groups.
  4. Tap on a Message-Only Extension you want to manage.
  5. Tap Extension Info.
  6. Modify the following settings:
Message-only extension information
  • Extension Info: Edit the extension number, name, contact phone, email address, site, address, and regional settings (time zone, time format, home country code, and greetings language) of a specific extension. 
  • Direct Numbers: Add local, toll-free, and vanity numbers where calls will be routed to.

Configuring Message-Only Extension messages and notifications

  1. Navigate to Admin tools.
  2. Tap Phone System.
  3. Tap Groups.
  4. Tap on a Message-Only Extension you want to manage.
  5. Tap Messages & Notifications.
  6. Modify the following settings:
Message-only extension notifications
  • Greeting: Set up the extension’s voicemail greeting.
  • Message Recipient: Assign an extension/user as the message recipient.
  • Voicemail Preview: Preview messages and voicemail assigned to the extension.
  • Notifications: Modify notification settings.

Adding Message-Only Extension

  1. Navigate to Admin tools.
  2. Tap Phone System.
  3. Tap Groups.
  4. Tap the add button beside Message-Only Extension.
Add message-only extension
  1. Select your Site, assign your Extension Number, Extension Name, and Email.
  1. Tap Save in the upper right.

Activating a Message-Only Extension

You will receive an email confirmation for the extension. Click the confirmation link provided in the email and follow the on-screen instructions.

Resending a welcome email to activate a Message-Only Extension

If you want to skip the activation process, you can always return to it and resend a welcome email where the link can be found to activate it.
  1. Navigate to Admin tools.
  2. Tap Phone System.
  3. Tap Groups.
  4. Select the extension you want to activate.
  5. Tap Extension Info.
  6. Verify that the email address is correct, then click Send Welcome Email.
  7. Check your email and click on the link provided to activate the new extension.

Checking the status of your Message-Only Extension

After creating a new Message-Only Extension, you will need to activate it. Your created extensions will show a Not activated status. Next to the extension’s name, you will find the following statuses:
Message-only extension status
  • Enabled: Indicated by a green dot, this means that the extension is activated or enabled.
  • Disabled: Indicated by a yellow dot, this means that the extension is disabled. The user will be restricted from inbound and outbound calls.
  • Not activated: Indicated by a gray dot, this means that the extension is not yet activated. The user has not yet set up a password.

Deleting Message-Only Extension

  1. Navigate to Admin tools.
  2. Tap Phone System.
  3. Tap Groups.
  4. Tap the Message-Only Extension you want to delete.
  5. Tap Extension Info.
  6. Tap the Delete Extension button.
  7. Tap Ok on the deletion prompt.
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