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Managing attached files in the mobile app

Last updated on February 14, 2022

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If you or another user attaches a file to a message, there are several actions you can take, such as viewing, sharing, downloading, or deleting a file in the mobile app.
For information about how you can delete a file in the mobile app, visit Deleting attached files in the mobile app.

Downloading a file

If a file was attached from a mobile device or computer source and not Google Drive, you can download that file onto your mobile device. To download a file, follow these steps:
  1. Navigate to Message via the bottom menu bar
  2. Select a conversation from the conversation list
  3. Locate and open the file you’d like to download in the message thread 
  4. Tap the three-dot icon at top right
  5. Select Save from the dropdown menu
If you are downloading an audio or a video file, tap and hold on the file, then select a browser to download the file.

Sharing a file

If you or another user has shared a file, you can share that file to any user, group, or team in the mobile app. To share an attached file, follow these steps:
  1. Navigate to Message via the bottom menu bar
  2. Select a conversation from the conversation list
  3. Locate and open the file you’d like to download in the message thread 
  4. Tap the three-dot icon in the top right corner of the app
  5. Select Share file from the dropdown menu
If you are sharing an audio or a video file, tap and hold on the file, then tap the share button.
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