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Removing guests and invites in the app desktop and web

Last updated on February 14, 2022
Guests are users who do not work at your company but have been invited to collaborate in your app company account. These users can also include those whose email addresses do not share your company’s private domain. 
If you’re an admin on your account, you can remove unwanted guests and invites from the Contacts page and the guest profile. This is a security feature on the app that allows you to clean up your account’s Contacts page.

Removing guests and invites

  1. Navigate to Contacts from the left-hand navigation bar.
  2. Click Guests on the left pane.
  3. Search for the guest that you’d like to remove or browse through the list of your guest contacts.
  4. Hover over the guest user and click on the Remove trash can icon at far right. Note: You may have to click the More icon before clicking Remove
Remove guest or invites in RC app
  1. Click Remove.
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