Desktop & web

Allowing others to join before host in a Video meeting in the app desktop and web

Last updated on February 14, 2022

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All scheduled Video meetings require a host. The host can configure the video meeting settings so that other participants can join earlier than the scheduled time or run the meeting without the host. This is helpful when the host will be late for the meeting or if the host can’t attend.
If a meeting does not allow participants to join before the host starts the meeting, the participants will get the notification ‘Waiting for host’ when they join the meeting before the host.

Configuring video meeting settings via Personal Meeting ID

  1. Navigate to Settings via the left-hand navigation bar.
  2. Select Video.
  3. Click Edit at far right of Personal Meeting ID.
Click edit on pmid
  1. Under Meetings settings, ensure that the checkbox for Participants can only join after host is disabled.
Disable Allow participants to join before host
  1. Click Save.

Configuring video meeting settings for scheduled meetings

  1. Navigate to the Video tab via the left-hand navigation bar.
  2. Click the Schedule button.
Click schedule button
  1. Under Meeting settings, ensure that the checkbox for Participants can only join after me is disabled.
Disable Allow participants to join before me
  1. Configure other meeting settings and click Schedule.
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