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Creating a task in the app desktop and web

Last updated on January 20, 2022

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Tasks help you to stay on top of all your projects by providing visibility on the items assigned to you by your teams. You can create tasks for yourself or other people, and you can add them to a direct message, group, or team conversation. 
Once a task has been created, you can view and manage all tasks in a conversation via the conversation details panel under Tasks in a conversation or via the Tasks tab in the Workspace menu. To learn more, visit Managing tasks in the app desktop and web.

Creating tasks

As mentioned, you can create tasks for yourself or other people in the teams you are a member of. If you’d like to create a task, there are several methods you can use.
  • In the Workspace menu, create a task by clicking the New task plus button in the Tasks tab in the left pane.
Create task plus icon
  • In the Workspace menu, create a task by going to any tab under Tasks, then clicking the Create a task check icon in the upper right-hand corner of the app.
Create task checkbox
  • In a conversation, create a task by clicking the Create a task check icon above the message field.
Create task message field
For the purpose of this article, we will discuss only two methods. Let’s review these methods in more detail below.

Creating tasks in the Workspace menu

  1. Navigate to Workspace via the left-hand navigation bar. Note that you may have to click More > Workspace. For more info about customizing the menu tabs, go to Customizing tabs in the app desktop and web.
  2. Click the New Task plus button on the Tasks tab on the left pane.
  3. Enter a title in the Task title field
  4. Select a team in the Team field.
  5. Select a category in the Category field. You can create a new category by typing the name of the category and clicking Create new category.
  6. In the Assignees field, type the name(s) of the user(s) you’d like to assign this task to.
  7. Pick a Due date and Due time.
  8. Decide if you’d like the task to repeat via the Repeat dropdown.
  9. Decide the condition in which this task can be marked as complete via the Complete when dropdown.
  10. Choose a Color tag.
  11. Attach necessary files by clicking on the paperclip Attach file icon in the lower left-hand side of the window. You may attach files from your Google Drive, OneDrive/SharePoint, Dropbox, or Computer.
  12. Enter a description of the task in the field at the bottom of the window.
  13. Click Post and close to create the task and close the window
    Click Post and new to finish creating that task and open a new task.
Once you create a task, a quick pop-up message will appear at the top of the app. Click on Go to conversation to see the task in the message thread of the team you selected. The post will include some or all of the following information: the task name, the task duration, the task assignees, and the task description.

Creating tasks in a conversation

  1. Navigate to Message via the left-hand navigation bar.
  2. Select a conversation from the conversation list.
  3. Select the Create a task check icon, located just above the message field at the bottom of the app.
  4. Enter a title in the Task title field.
  5. Select a category in the Category field. You can create a new category by typing the name of the category and clicking Create new category.
  6. In the Assignees field, type the name(s) of the user(s) you’d like to assign this task to.
  7. Pick a Due date and Due time.
  8. Decide if you’d like the task to repeat via the Repeat dropdown.
  9. Decide the condition in which this task can be marked as complete via the Complete when dropdown.
  10. Choose a Color tag.
  11. Enter a description of the task in the field at the bottom of the window.
  12. Click Post and close to create the task and close the window
    Click Post and new to finish creating that task and open a new task to configure.
Once you create a task, it will appear in the message thread and will include some or all of the following information: the task name, the task assignees, the task duration, and the task description.

Configuring a task

  • Task title: The preferred title of the task.
  • Team: The name of the person, group, or team where the task will be posted in. This setting only appears when configuring a task in the Workspace menu.
  • Category: Creates a category or assigns an existing category to a task. Tasks associated with a category can be searched using the Filter tasks search bar in the Tasks tab in the Workspace menu.
  • Assignee: The user(s) assigned to the task. Assignees must already be a member of that conversation.
  • Due date: The date on which you’d like this task to be completed. Type a date into the field or use the datepicker to select a date.
  • Due time: The time on the due date by which you want this task to be completed.
  • Repeat: Choose from a dropdown menu how frequently you’d like this task to repeat (if at all). Options include None, Every day, Every weekday, Every week, Every month, or Every year.
  • Complete when: Set the condition in which you’d like this task to be marked as complete. Options include the following:
    • Checked: When the task is checked by one person, this will mark the task as complete.
    • Checked by all assignees: If this task is assigned to multiple people, choose this option to ensure that the task will not be marked as complete until all assignees have checked this task.
    • 100% done: If you’d like to set this task so a person can complete it in 10% increments, select this option so that the task will be marked as complete once they get to 100% complete.
  • Color tag: Select the color you’d like to set for this task.
  • Enter task description: Provide a task description in the field at the bottom of the window. Use the Attach files paperclip icon to attach any relevant files, or select the Emoji smiling face icon to include an emoji.

Mark a completed task as incomplete

If you realized you marked the task complete by accident and you want to mark the task as incomplete, follow these steps to mark the task as incomplete: 
  1. Locate the conversation that contains the completed task.
  2. Uncheck the task checkbox if task is completed when checked
    Select a value other than 100% in the Update status dropdown if the task is completed when 100% done.
Any time you update a task, a new message will appear in the message thread showing a status update of that task. 
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