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Managing your account's teams in the app desktop and web

Last updated on February 14, 2022

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Teams are used to communicate with a group of people, from connecting with co-workers in your department to collaborating on a project with others in your company. The team administrator is the user who initially created the team. This user can give admin permissions to other team members.
Create teams window
To make another user a team admin, click on Members at top right in the team window. Then click on the More icon at the right of the user’s name and select Make team admin.
Make a member a team admin
Teams are either public or private. If a team is private, you must be invited to the team in order to join, while a public team means you can join without an invite.
For this article, we’ll discuss how you can manage all teams created for your company. However, if you haven’t yet created a team for your company, visit Creating a new team in the app desktop and web to learn more.

Viewing teams

There are several locations in the app where you can manage your teams, but if you would like to visit one place in the app where you can create teams, find and join existing teams, and manage your existing teams, you can do this via the Contacts menu in the left-hand navigation bar. 
Note: You cannot view private teams unless you have already been invited to that team. 
View of teams from left pane

Searching for teams

  1. Navigate to the Contacts menu via the left-hand navigation bar.
  2. Type the name team you’re looking for in the search bar at upper right. 

Performing actions on a team

If you are a member of a team, you can also use the Contacts menu to quick actions on any team. 
  1. Navigate to Contacts via the left-hand navigation bar.
  2. Select My teams from the left pane.
  3. Locate a team using the search bar at upper right or by scrolling through the list of teams.
  4. Hover over a team to reveal a set of icons at the far right. 
Team action buttons upon hover
  1. Select one of the following icons to perform the associated action:
    1. Select the Start conference call multi-circle icon to start a conference call with that team.
    2. Select the Message chat bubble icon to start a message in the team.
    3. Select the Video camera icon to start a meeting with the team or select from the options on the dropdown menu to start a huddle, screen share or schedule a meeting.
    4. Select the Open team profile multi-person icon to view that team’s profile.
Note: Depending on your permissions in the app, some of the above actions may not be available to you.
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