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Using emojis in your messages in the app desktop and web

Last updated on February 14, 2022

Reacting to a post with emojis

The app makes it easy to use emoji reactions. You can use the emoji quick picker, which contains the emojis you frequently use, or the full array of emojis if you’d like to select one that you don’t use as often.

Reacting to a post with emojis via the emoji quick picker

  1. Select a conversation from the conversation list.
  2. Hover your mouse over the message you want to react to.
  3. Click the smiley face icon at the far right of the message.
  4. Select from one of the frequently used emojis OR Click the smiley face More emojis icon to select from the full array of emojis available.
Reacting to a post with emojis via the snackbar

Reacting to a post with emojis via another reaction

If a post already has an emoji reaction, you can also react to that post with emojis next to another reaction. To do this, simply click the smiley face icon beneath a message and select from one of the frequently used emojis. To select from the full array of emojis available, click the smiley face More emojis icon.
If you’d like to upvote another reaction or react using the same emoji, simply click on the emoji reaction beneath the message. Note that you can react to a post up to 20 times with different emojis. You can also remove your reaction by clicking on your emoji reaction beneath the message.
To view the voters of a post, hover over an emoji reaction. You will see the first names of up to 30 voters. After 30 names, it will show a number of how many others who used that emoji to react to the post.
Reacting to a post with emojis via another reaction
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