Desktop & web

Managing your HUD extensions in the app desktop and web

Last updated on February 14, 2022

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The head-up display (HUD) in the app provides you with advanced phone functionality and keeps your frequently used extension list at your fingertips.

Monitoring your HUD extensions

The HUD lets you see user extensions’ presence types in real-time whether they are available or engaged in a call.

Presence types

  • Available: Indicated by a green dot, this means that the user is active and available to communicate. This presence can be system-triggered or set manually by the user.
  • Offline: Indicated by a gray dot, this means that the user is offline or inactive (for 15 minutes or more), or logged out of the app. This is a system-triggered presence but will appear the same as Invisible.
  • Invisible: Indicated by a gray dot, this will make it appear as if you’re offline. This presence can only be set manually, but will appear the same as Offline.
  • Do not disturb: Indicated by a red dot with a white line through the center, this presence indicates that you do not want to be disturbed and will shut off all app notifications across mobile, desktop, and email. This presence can only be set manually by the user.
  • On a call: Indicated by a red dot, this presence indicates if a user is on a call and should not be disturbed. This presence is system-triggered and is set automatically.
  • In a meeting: Indicated by a red dot, this presence indicates if a user is in a meeting and should not be disturbed. This presence is system-triggered and is set automatically.

Deleting extensions

  1. Navigate to Phone via the left-hand navigation bar.
  2. Hover over the extension you want to delete, then click the Remove trash can icon at the far right.
  3. Click Remove in the confirmation prompt.
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