Switching a call between desktop and phone in the app

Last updated on February 14, 2022
Switching a call between your desktop app and your mobile app is similar to flipping a call, with some differences. Similar to flipping a call, switching a call lets you transfer a live call from desktop to phone with no interruption to the call. This can be useful in situations such as when you start a call on your desktop app and need to transition to your phone so you can take the call on the go.

Switching a call

To switch a call between desktop and mobile, follow these steps:
  1. While on a call on the desktop app, open the app on your mobile device.
  2. At the top of the app, select the Switch call to this device banner to open the Call switch window.
  3. Click on the Switch button to confirm the call switch.
If you’d like to switch your call from mobile to desktop, the process will be the same with the exception that you must open your desktop app while on a call on the mobile app and process the switch on your desktop app.
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