Graphical Scenario
Large percentage of very frequent/frequent users relative to occasional or rare users.
Vodafone Business UC is adding value to those who know about it and know how to use it. But some employees in the organization have no idea about Vodafone Business UC or don’t know how to use Vodafone Business UC products effectively.
The frequent users are your power users. Leverage them to understand and drive best practices to ensure your non-users can derive value as well.
Large percentage of occasional/rare users to frequent users.
Users are unaware of Vodafone Business UC product features, or their role requires a different set of Vodafone Business UC products. You may need to educate your users about the products and how it can help them in their day-to-day tasks.
In the Message or Phone page, you can identify which departments are lagging in their usage.
Very high non-users
Employees may not be using your official communication tool, and you may be incurring costs on other non-official or legacy tools. You may want to identify which legacy tools are still being used, then implement a transition to Vodafone Business UC.