Managing Live Reports Service Level widgets
| RingCentral MVP
Last updated on September 01, 2021
Service Level Agreement (SLA) shows the percentage of incoming calls answered within a desired time threshold against the total number of calls coming into the selected queue. This allows you to track how your team is responding to calls within the expected time frame.
Creating a Service Level Widget
From your Live Reports dashboard, click the Add Widget tile found after any other widgets on the dashboard.
Select Service Level from the add widget window choices. A new Service Level Settings window displays.
In the Name field, accept the default, or give it a new name.
Click the dropdown arrow in the Queue field to show a list of available queues for which to show report data, or use the Search field to find a specific queue. Click an entry for the widget to show data for that queue. When you’ve chosen a queue, the queue time zone displays, along with additional options.
Note: The SLA widget shows data for one queue at a time. To see SLA data for multiple queues on one dashboard, add as many SLA widgets as you need.
In the Time Period field, click the dropdown arrow to show preset options, or select Custom, where you can choose times From between midnight and 11:45PM in fifteen minute increments, and To between 12:15AM and midnight in fifteen minute increments.
Click Save to add the widget to your dashboard.
You will also see Service Level parameters for Target, Threshold, and Method. These are set by your system administrator.
Target %: The target percentage of calls that must be answered by agents within the service-level time threshold.
Threshold: The period of time in seconds that is considered to be an acceptable service level. Calls within this time period are marked as “within service level,” while calls of longer duration are considered “outside of service level.” This does not include time in IVR.
Method: Shows whether abandoned calls were included or excluded in the service level calculations. Abandoned calls are those on which the caller disconnects (hangs up) prior to an agent picking up. Including abandoned calls requires your admin to set the abandoned calls threshold. Those that are shorter than the defined period will not be included in the calculation. Setting the threshold to zero would mean calls of any duration are included in the calculation. Calls abandoned below the set threshold are not included in the calculation.