The Rooms & Devices dashboard lists offline devices with detailed information for a customizable timeframe.
Data refreshes every fifteen minutes. The reported time zone is the current user’s time zone according to their settings.
Devices dashboard components
Rooms & Devices is identified in the top left corner. In the top navigation bar are the tabs available under Rooms & Devices. Choose any of the other tabs when you want to exit Devices and review data offered on these other dashboards.
An option to download the dashboard data as a spreadsheet is available. Click the down arrow in the upper right to download as a CSV file.
The Filters section is located beneath the top navigation bar. It allows you to customize your report to include specific data.
Search Device: If you know the name or partial name of a device, you can enter it in the Search Device field.
Date Range: Select a preset choice of last 24 hours, last 72 hours, or last 7 days to date, this month, or last month.
Locations: Use checkboxes to select any number of shown locations to be included in the report, or enter a specific location or IP address in the search field.
Status: Checkboxes let you choose whether to see statuses for All Devices, or devices that are Online, Offline, or Not in Use.
Site: Accounts with the multi-site feature can also filter devices by site.
Offline Devices Trend: Shows the number of devices over time based on the filter selections.
Devices: Shows details for each device based on the filter selections.