Rooms & Devices: Intro to the Unprovisioned Devices dashboard

Last updated on February 14, 2022
The Rooms & Devices Unprovisioned Devices dashboard lists devices that were recorded in the Vodafone Business UC system, but are not assigned to a user.
Unprovisioned Devices dashboard.

Unprovisioned Devices dashboard components

Rooms & Devices is identified in the top left corner. In the top navigation bar are the tabs available under Rooms & Devices. Choose any of the other tabs when you want to exit Unprovisioned Devices and review data offered on these other dashboards. The Unprovisioned Devices tab also displays the number of unprovisioned devices.
Download and Submit Idea icons in upper right corner.


An option to download the dashboard data as a spreadsheet is available. Click the down arrow in the upper right to download as a CSV file.


The Filter section is located beneath the top navigation bar. It allows you to customize your report to include specific data. 

If you know the name or partial name of a device, you can enter it in the Search Unprovisioned Device field. You can also search on the name or partial name of a location or device model.

Unprovisioned Devices Table

  • Device Name: Unprovisioned device name registered in the Vodafone Business UC system, and its ID number.
  • Shipping Address: Shows shipping address, if available.
  • Device Model: Name of model.
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