Desktop & web

Joining a meeting in the app desktop and web

Last updated on February 14, 2022

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You can use the app to join a video meeting. Additionally, when it’s time to join a scheduled meeting, the app will notify you when a meeting has started, ensuring you’re always on time for your meeting. 
You can join a meeting that has been scheduled either by you or another user in the app. You can also sync your Outlook or Google calendar with the app so all your scheduled meetings are in one place, allowing you to join any meeting without leaving the app. 
If you have synced your calendar, scheduled meetings will appear in the Meetings page, which acts as the homepage of the Video interface. When you navigate to this page, you can join a scheduled meeting by 
  • clicking the Join button via the meetings dashboard,
  • clicking the Join next to a scheduled meeting in your meetings calendar,
  • or clicking the Join button via the meetings dashboard, then selecting a recent meeting.
Note: Hosts and participants are permitted to have two meetings running simultaneously in the app desktop and web. This applies to instant meetings or scheduled meetings. If a participant or host tries to join a third meeting session, the first attended meeting will automatically disconnect.

Joining a meeting via the meetings dashboard

To join a meeting via the Join button in the meetings dashboard, follow these steps:
  1. Navigate to Video via the left-hand navigation bar.
  2. In the Meetings page, click the Join button at the top of the page.
Click Join button
  1. Enter the Meeting ID or link in the Meeting ID field.
  2. Click the Join button to open that meeting in a new separate window. If the meeting creator has required a password, provide the password to join that meeting.
  1. Configure your audio sources in the meeting that opens on your device.

Joining a meeting via the meetings calendar

To join a meeting via the meetings calendar, follow these steps:
  1. Navigate to Video via the left-hand navigation bar.
  2. In the Meetings page, hover your mouse over the scheduled meeting and click the Join button that appears at far right.
Join button on a scheduled meeting
  1. Configure your audio sources in the meeting that opens on your device.
If you’ve synced your calendar, you can also use this method to join meetings that were scheduled in that calendar. 

Joining a meeting on another video conferencing software

The app also supports joining scheduled meetings on other video conferencing software. If you sync your calendar, the following meeting links will also have a Join button in the app:
  • Zoom:
  • Microsoft Teams:
  • WebEx:
  • JoinMe:
  • UberConference:
  • GoToWebinar:
  • GoToMeeting:
  • BlueJeans:
Note: Clicking Join on any of these supported software meeting links will open the meeting in a new browser window.
Finally, depending on your video service, you will have slightly different options for selecting your audio sources from which you’d like to start your meeting.

Dialing in to a meeting

In addition to joining a meeting, you can also dial into a meeting using the desktop or web app.
  • Dialing in to a meeting will not allow you to have a camera turned on, nor will you be able to view if someone is sharing their screen. 
  • You must have phone features enabled at the company account level in order to use this feature.
To dial in to a meeting, follow these steps:
  1. Navigate to Video via the left-hand navigation bar.
  2. Hover your mouse over a scheduled meeting and click the More icon that appears on the far right.
More button on a scheduled meeting
  1. Click the Dial in option via the dropdown menu.
Dial in to a scheduled meeting
Once you select the Dial in button, your dial pad will open and the system will dial the number and access code associated with the meeting. 
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